Tag: 加速

Firefox 加速技巧(收藏备用)

     偶又换回firefox了,实在受不了TheWorld经常性的网页假死,于是从网上收集一些关于firefox加速的方法以备用,如果你也使用Firefox,你也可以把下面的内容收藏起来!好了,在 Firefox 的地址栏中输入 about:config,让我们开始提速吧。
在 Filter 中输入 network.http.pipelining,双击赋值为 true,默认为 false。如果没有找到这个键值,可以右键新建一个 Boolean,把她赋值为 true 就 OK 了。
还是像我在从前解释过的那样,激活这个键值之后,Pipelining同时发出成倍数的连接请求,从而达到提升连接速度的效果。网络上的大多数网站都是基于 HTTP 协议,而 HTTP 1.1可以支持多线程的连接请求,通过这个操作可以减少 Firefox载入网页的时间。不过并不是所有网页所在的服务器都支持这种操作,所以当你修改键值之后却看不到一点实际效果的时候,请不要对我破口大骂。
在 Filter 中输入 network.http.pipelining.maxrequests,双击并赋值为 8,默认键值为 4。
在 Filter 中输入 network.http.proxy.pipelining,双击并赋值为 true。



InstantGet v2.03 多国语言版

InstantGet is a powerful and efficient download manager and accelerator, InstantGet splits downloading files into multiple sections, downloading each section simultaneously to increase downloading speed up to 5 times faster.
InstantGet provides rich management features, that make it easier to organize your downloads and manage proxies and sites. InstantGet has many convenient features especially for downloaded files; Downloaded files could be searched by URL, filename or comment; Features found in windows explorer could be found in InsteantGet too, right click on the downloaded files to popup an extended explorer context menu.
InstantGet supports ftp and http protocols, proxy servers, file redirects, cookies, directories with authorization, InstantGet integrates seamlessly into Microsoft Internet Explorer to automatically handle your downloads and can monitor clipboard. You can also drag and drop download URLs or use InstantGet from command line. InstantGet is capable of creating unlimited numbers of categories for your files. Download jobs can be placed in specifically-named categories for quick and easy access.
– Rich management features. Manage downloads, sites, proxies, dial up connections conveniently.
– Ability to intercept ‘File Download’ in IE and WebBrowser applications (Internet Explorer 6.0 or greater).
– Seemless browser integration(Internet Explorer, AcooBrowser, FireFox, Opera, Mozilla, NetCaptor, …). Handle browser clicks, add to browser context menu, download all flashes from page, etc
– Ability to search downloaded files by URL, filename or comment.
– Integration of shell context menu on downloaded files.
– Support both ftp and http protocols.
– Support http/ftp/socks proxies.
– Support http redirection, cookies, directories with authorization.
– Skinned window frame.
– Clipboard monitoring.
– Drag & drop URL into small floating window to start downloading.
– Command line support.
– Category management for download jobs.

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